March 20 Shoot Results
3-23-2016 - John Morgan
The Menard County Sportsman's Club hosted its first ATA event of the 2016 calendar year on Sunday, March 20. The event program was scheduled to include Doubles, Singles, and Handicap. As usual in the early spring, the weather posed a challenge. The day began at 34 degrees with a stiff North breeze at 10mph and heavy cloud cover. As the day progressed, the cloud cover gave way and the temperature crept up toward a high of 40 degrees. As the temps slowly rose, so did the winds. By the end of the event, shooters were battling a 20 mph head wind. Challenging condictions, to say the least. The Double event was scratched, but a small group of hearty competitors took to the range for the Singles and Handicap events. Here's a complete wrap-up.
Event #2 - 100 Singles Targets (10 Shooters)
Event #3 - 100 Handicap Targets (10 Shooters)
Next ATA Event
Our next Registered ATA event will be the Illini Indian Zone Shoot on Sunday, April 24. Click here for details